Sunday, February 16, 2014

Snow, Snow, Go Away!

If you're in NC or another southern state like me, you've likely been out of school more this year because of snow and ice than any other recent year. In January, we were out for four days in one week (only went to school on a Monday!) and this week we were out another four days. The first time we were out, the Monday we went back was very chaotic. We had to shorten our lesson plans from the week before and somehow merge the next week's plans in with them. I have a feeling this Monday will be similar. So many things have to be rescheduled for this coming week... a Valentine's dance for K-2 and 3-5, Candy grams, Valentine's Day celebrations, a staff soup lunch. It is definitely going to be an exhausting week.

I have not been a very good teacher this week. I have been more focused on spending time with my family at home, going on walks through the neighborhood in the snow and trying to not get sick (still fighting it!). Our dog got out of the yard yesterday and we spent a good part of the afternoon looking for him before calling the front gate. Someone took him in and my husband went to pick him up that night. I guess he felt like going on an adventure. He loves being outside, even in the snow and cold weather. He is very much an "outside" dog.

Even through my laziness, I updated my blog to include a widget for my TPT store (thanks to this awesome tutorial by Ms. Fultz's Corner! Check it out!) and FREE social media icons with a tutorial (thanks Beautiful Designs! Tutorial and Icons). Their tutorials are so easy that even I figured them out and I am by no means an HTML expert or even close to knowing how to use it).

Now my family and I are off to Sam's to stock up our pantry since we have used a lot of our food this week during the snowstorm!

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